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Want to crush your next Zoom interview? Do these 5 things.

Career Wise Up

Interviewing can create a huge amount of fear and anxiety. We've got 5 keys to help you in overcoming that and knock your next interview out of the park.

1) Get Quiet - 1 hour before your interview, find a place to clear your head. Take a walk outside, pray, meditate, or whatever quiets your mind. No distractions, turn off your phone and relax your brain.

2) Power Pose - Power posing is the key to feeling confident, and showing it in the interview. Harvard Professor Amy Cuddy says power posing can change the makeup of your brain and produce the mindset necessary to think calmly, clearly, and speak confidently. See her Ted Talk here (its a really good one, trust us!)

3) Clear Your Desk - Clearing the space in your surroundings and everything on your desk will minimize those subconscious distractions and keep you focused. Its been shown that less stuff around you, lowers your levels of cortisol (aka the stress hormone).

4) Smile - Watch something or think about something that makes you smile right before your interview. You can carry this into the interview. Smiling in the interview (naturally) will help the interviewer to better connect with you and see you as a positive person.

5) Plan Ahead - Prep is clearly important. Prep isn't just doing research and writing down some notes. Its sleeping well at least two days before, its eating well, and its exercising. All of that will help to get your brain right so you can be top of your game for the interview.


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