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Resume Help (free template)

3 Steps to Building a Resume

A strong resume is foundational to finding your dream job. A well-written and well-designed resume can make big difference, as most recruiters spend less than 30 seconds scanning over a resume. Really?

Yes, really. 30 seconds and then your resume is either in the trash, or in the review further and consider for interview pile. In addition to the content, the outline, spacing, and even font type are important aspects of your resume. In this post, we'll teach you the basics.

1) Resume Content

First, grab a pen and write down any work experience, education, volunteer work, and skills. Next, detail under each of those categories your accomplishments. What are you most proud of? Did you organize and lead others to reach a goal? What was the result/impact of the accomplishment?

2) Resume Structure

Most resumes should be one page. In some cases, they can be 2-3 pages, if you are a veteran of an industry or expert. In that case, you likely have a resume and should see our post about Updating a Resume. You should start with your name at the top and centered, along with contact information (email and phone). Next, left aligned, you will type in order your work experience, education, and skills. If you are a college student, you will list education before work experience. See the resume example below, or choose a template from Microsoft Word Templates.

3) Resume Formatting

Choose a template like the one we provided above that has a professional look. For most jobs, its important to have a standard and easy-to-read format with no frills. Remember, recruiters are spending seconds on your resume. If they can identify who you are and what value you bring to the table quickly, that can be problematic. If you are going for a creative job, such as a graphic designer, you may prefer a more unique design (this is an example to the rule).


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